I am looking forward to reading about the many different experiences and adventures from your journeys to places known and unknown. There are a few things you need to remember, though, as you write your fascinating tales:
A) You may travel to any English speaking country (see map on page 279), except Britain and the USA. However long your journey was, make your travel diary with 3-5 entries (dagbokopptegnelser). Still, you may of course write an account of more than one day in one single diary entry.
B) You should present facts about the places you visit, but no one can dispute your experiences around these facts. What you remember is the truth, as far as I'm concerned.
C) These facts should cover the following aspects:, some history (famous event/incident), an explanation of the flag, some culture (e.g. food, music, sports, literature etc.), famous places, a famous person (local), news. You should also try to discuss values and social conditions, and you’re allowed to be critical if you find this to be necessary.
Remember; cut and paste is like cheating on a test.
Your travel blogs are to be ready for evaluation on the 23d of October
Subject Blog/Fagblogg 1ste

torsdag 6. oktober 2011
torsdag 22. september 2011
English: "About the Butterflies"
Read the analysis of the short story “Butterflies” (Fronter --> fagstoff). Write on your blog: Why is this a good literary analysis? What can you learn from this analysis?
tirsdag 20. september 2011
English: Opening Tasks
So - you've created your own (undoubtedly superb) blog, AND you've added the mother blog to your blog list? Well done!
Now, you may rest for a few seconds. Afterwards, you may proceed to task A, B and C:
A) Write a little something about yourself on your blog.
B) Write your thoughts on Blood Diamond.
C) Answer the small survey on the mother blog (to the right, underneath the fish). Now create your own survey (gadgets - meningsmåling) - you're free to choose the topic.
Welcome to our English Subject Blog/Velkommen til vår norskfaglige blogg!
This is the "mother blog", where you will find the tasks and assignments given throughout the school year. I hope you will enjoy your blogging experience!
Good luck!
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