tirsdag 20. september 2011

English: Opening Tasks

So - you've created your own (undoubtedly superb) blog, AND you've added the mother blog to your blog list? Well done! Now, you may rest for a few seconds. Afterwards, you may proceed to task A, B and C: A) Write a little something about yourself on your blog. B) Write your thoughts on Blood Diamond. C) Answer the small survey on the mother blog (to the right, underneath the fish). Now create your own survey (gadgets - meningsmåling) - you're free to choose the topic.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.

  2. Skal vi skrive på norsk, or are we supposed to write in English?

  3. På norsk når det står "Norsk:" foran, english when it says "English:" ;) In this case - English!
